
Katherine Clayton - Peachii Insurance



What’s it like to completely pivot your business three times, before you even launch? Katherine Clayton, co-founder of Peachii Insurance shares how she's pivoted the business three whole times before they've gone to market, why a change in regulation almost meant their idea was dead in the water, and how she's leveraged her sales skills to raise a bunch of cash. You’ll learn:  How they’re making insurance sexy and accessible to the younger generation  That their original fundraising aspiration was a $2M pre-seed round, and how they had to adjust their expectations and raise smaller cheques from angels instead  How they responded when government regulations changed meaning their original product was almost dead in the water (but how it’s actually worked out well in the end!)  How they approached the equity split with a three person co-founding team  The art of doing a deal, and how Katherine approaches selling  How she deals with investors who ghost her   What they’re doing in the lead up to launch!  ~ Connect