
Episode 5: The OneTwo - Where Are They Now?



Get a free fitting and find your perfect bra at, and use the code LB20 at the checkout for 20% off your entire order. The last time you heard from Margot & Maria they’d raised $100k from over 700 backers during their Kickstarter pre-sale campaign. They were on a high and excited to hard launch their brand in time for the Christmas rush.   But just as they were about to go live, their online custom fit algorithm (the one they’d spent over a year getting right) broke. Christmas came and went. They missed their deadline...again.   But the duo didn’t let that stop them. They were on the home stretch and a few months later they finally launched The OneTwo into the world.   So how have their first few months in market been? What has the response been from customers? What other curve balls have been thrown their way?   Created in partnership with lady-brains.See for privacy information.See for privacy information.