Dramatic Listening... The Podcast Where You Learn English By Listening To Radio Plays

DL007: Norwood Builder ~ Holmes’ Reconstruction of the Crime



Sherlock Holmes and the Adventure of the Norwood Builder, Scene 7 Lestrade: The housekeeper was in the plot, of course.Holmes: Yes, of course, to bring him food and drink, and to put that thumb mark onto the wall. Holmes' reconstruction of the crime gets up all up to speed Scene 7 wraps up the story of the Norwood Builder. Once Holmes had proven Jonas Oldacre's guilt and, therefore, John McFarlane's innocence, he was willing to explain how the crime must have been committed and how he'd figured it out. This is the reconstruction of the crime, a feature of every cozy detective story.   Holmes reveals Oldacre's motive As Holmes responds to their questions, Lestrade and Watson come to understand how Oldacre had the housekeeper put the thumbprint on the wall, and how he'd even gotten John's thumbprint in the first place. Holmes is also able to explain Oldacre's dual motive, one reason being for revenge on John's mother, and the other reason being to defraud his creditors. Holmes has an explanation for the remain