Dramatic Listening... The Podcast Where You Learn English By Listening To Radio Plays

DL013: Would Wynn Blake have been justified in murdering Barbar?



Blood Money — Part 6 Scene 12 [19 min 31 sec ~ 23 min 00 sec] Photo by Bigstock Photo: stokkete Wynn Blake looked every inch his role in life — gray, distinguished, with a stiff aristocratic spine, a polished surface veneer, with only one thing marring him — his eyes. I’d never seen sadder eyes.   Barrie Craig visits Wynn Blake, his prime suspect. Blake has become his suspect because he had motive – he was named in Anatol Barbar’s letter as the man being blackmailed. Barrie knows that blackmail victims sometimes turn on their oppressor. Perhaps they have no more money to turn over to the blackmailer. Perhaps they've just 'had enough' and cannot tolerate being victimized any longer. You can hardly blame the victim for wanting to get out from under the blackmailer's thumb, but can murder ever be justified? Isn't there a better way, a legal way? Why not report this abuse to the police? Of course, that would mean coming clean with whatever the blackmailer has on you, but choosing to take the law into your own