Dramatic Listening... The Podcast Where You Learn English By Listening To Radio Plays

DL055: Intimidated Jury — Taking Offense



Mr. District Attorney and the Intimidated Jury, (Scene 4) [Photo © jabiru/Bigstock.com]  TAYLOR: Well, I must tell you right now, Sir, this is the most libelous thing I've ever encountered.        Taking offense: Harrington has rounded up the accused jury foreman, Mr Taylor, and brought him back to the DA's office. When Taylor hears the charge against him, he takes offense. "Ridiculous! That's libelous!" he cries, but it is all a pretense. Deep down inside, he knows he manipulated the jurors and brought them all around to that "not guilty" verdict. He feels uneasy, but he can't let the DA see that. Debt free: He'd been so relieved when the court case was finally over. Working for a gangster had made his jury duty rather tense, yet it had all gone like clockwork. Ah! Well, as he saw it, the gangster had been "paid in full" when Stanley walked, so he felt the relief of being debt free. Debt free, in more ways than one! Was it worth it? But now he's suddenly in hot water — if the DA can prove he swayed the ju