Manlihood Mancast

Responsibility is a Heavier Weight than Privilege | Manlihood ManCast: A Podcast for Men



In today's society, the concept of privilege has become a buzzword. We often hear about male privilege and the advantages that come with it. However, I believe there is a bigger picture that we need to consider. Instead of focusing solely on privilege, we should shift our perspective to the heart of the matter and explore how responsibility can make a real difference in someone's life. In this blog post, we will delve deeper into this topic and discuss why responsibility is a heavier weight than privilege. JOIN US FOR AN EVENING WITH MACHINE GUN PREACHER - SAM CHILDERSDECEMBER 16th 2023 at 7PM AT OPEN ARMS CHURCH 1289 EAST MAIN STREET, BRADFORD PA Responsibility Over Privilege: The notion of privilege has taken on different connotations over the years. It can now be associated with the idea of being handed everything on a silver platter. However, as a man, I believe that manhood is not about privilege but about shouldering responsibility. To be a man is to understand that being stronger physically or