Manlihood Mancast

ASK A MAN | Conquering loneliness - Finding Identity - Why is it so hard to be a man in today's society?



This episode of ASK A MAN provides insights and guidance for young men on how to cope with loneliness in a new environment, discusses the challenges of being a man in today's society, and provides advice on discovering personal identity.Do you have questions? Send them to us at We had a number of questions posed in the Manlihood ManCave - or private facebook group for men.  - How can young men conquer loneliness in a new environment, I.e. college. Especially if they are introverted. Why is it so hard to be a man in today's society?  Where should a man find his identity? Is there really such a thing as toxic masculinity Is our country the modern-day equivalent of Sodom and Gomorrah? Also, related question, would our country be better off being under a Christian theocracy? How do you care for the kids when Mom can't/won't? We're always wandering off - mentally, emotionally, spiritually - losing our faith