The Marie Forleo Podcast

384 - Simple Daily Habits to Reverse Aging & Stay Young Forever with Peter Diamandis



What if you could add 20+ healthy, vibrant years to your life? Thanks to breakthroughs in science and technology, this will be possible very soon (and it’s NOT just for the rich!). In this #MarieTVInterview with Peter Diamandis, we talk about cutting-edge research that can reverse aging. Plus, discover a few simple changes you can make now to feel amazing and add years to your life.   WHAT’S COVERED IN THIS EPISODE:   Why whales and sharks live hundreds of years, but humans don’t (yet) [5:40] The biological reason everything goes downhill after age 30 [8:44] How we doubled lifespan in the last 100 years [9:57] The “Hereditary Myth” — why everything you think you know about genetics is wrong [11:25] Can being optimistic help you live longer? [12:46] 4 stupid reasons people die (& how to avoid them!) [15:40] The biggest advancements in medical diagnostics today [17:35] How to detect cancer YEARS before you show symptoms [19:45] Zombie cells, immune exhaustion & why people die from cancer [22:13] The top