This Anthro Life

How to Ensure Human Autonomy in the Age of Algorithms and AI with Brian Evergreen



What does the concept of autonomy bring to mind for you?How has AI already begun reshaping how we work and make decisions? And do you think AI and algorithms should play a role in organizational decision-making? Why or why not? In the episode of This Anthro Life, the discussion delves into the intersection of human autonomy and the evolving landscape of AI. It emphasizes the need for diverse voices that prioritize human well-being, flourishing, and autonomy in the face of technological advancement. Brian's work, aimed at empowering leaders to prioritize people over profit and harness technology to enhance our humanity, underscores the importance of ensuring that AI serves humanity rather than subjugating it. The conversation also touches on the historical context of work, particularly during industrialization, where the focus was on efficiency over people. This highlights the need to reevaluate the role of AI in the workplace and consider how it can be harnessed to prioritize human values and autonomy. Brian'