Speak The Language

Hope For A Native Game Bird: Quail in the Southeast Part 3



we are on the final piece of this quail in the southeast series. this is it. the last piece of the puzzle. the crossing of the finish line. the light at the end of the bobwhite tunnel. and I sincerely hope that you’ve enjoyed this as much as I have- quite frankly this is the most time and energy I’ve ever put into one topic and it’s been completely worth it. So let’s end strong, shall we? Last week we focused heavily on learning why or the many why’s I should probably say that caused us to lose our quail populations. We heard from subject experts Dr. Mark Mcconnel and Quail forever biologist john mark Curtis. they taught us more about quail habitat needs and the changes in our current landscape that gave us a better understanding as to why quail simply cannot exist here like they did in the past. This week is all about the present and the future. I think both are important to think about. This week we’ll hear from more subject experts to explain those to us and let us know how much, if any real hope there is