Living Springs Q&a

Inverted Orthodoxy #317 - why Doug is weird, organ donations for Jesus, Israel and Hamas… Maybe more



 1.AER on weirdness. Doug likes the smell of coffee but doesn't like to drink coffee.2.I am trying to decide whether to sign my organ donor card, and then I read first Corinthians????? 6:13 to 15, and it seems to say that our bodies are not just physical entities like food and stomachs, and that God raised Jesus body, and that he will also raise our bodies. I don’t know what to make of all this.3. I have been listening to some new outlets and pod casts on the israel and hamas conflict. I do not condone the actions of hamas, but I have recently learned that the Israeli government has been oppressing Palestinians since about 1948, when Jews were presented the land as a symbol of reconciliation after the atrocities of Ww 2. However over time they have taken over the land and have pushed the Palestinians out of the land that they have had for centuries before. I have two questions: many Christian’s would say that israel has the right to fight because it is Gods land for the Jews, and even after these attacks, how