Jami Dulaney Md Plant Based Wellness

Jami Dulaney MD Plant Based Running and Wellness Podcast: 455 with Dr Matt Minard



Welcome! and Thank you for listening.  Today I have a guest, Dr. Matt Minard.  He is a physical therapist that specializes in running injury prevention and running mechanics.  There is a high incidence of runners that get injured.  Some would say that that is an excuse not to run.  However, the benefits of running markedly outweigh the risk of injury. In fact, runners have a less frequency of joint replacement than non-runners.  Running has been associated with a decreased risk of not only cardiovascular disease but cancer and cancer recurrence.  This is most likely from the anti-inflammatory benefits as well as the long-term reduction in sympathetic tone as seen in decrease blood pressure and heart rate.  The sense of well-being or perhaps runners high is associated with anti-depressant effects, and studies have shown that running can be a healthier alternative to medications.  The problem with running is that we tend to do too much too quick whether that is volume or speed.  The most common injuries come fr