Craig Peterson's Tech Talk

Click Like a Pro: Insider Tips for Safe Online Shopping



Hey savvy shoppers, gather 'round for a tale as vital as your grandma's pie recipe! Ever felt the sting of an online shopping scam? Fear not, I've got the lowdown on dodging those traps. Let's kick things off with a cautionary yarn and dive into the nitty-gritty. Spotting a Phony Website: Detective hat on! Check URLs for weird symbols and misspellings. A padlock symbol next to the URL is a good sign. Evaluating Sellers on eBay and Etsy: eBay and Etsy, our online treasure troves! Check seller ratings, reviews, and authentic photos. Don't fall for smoke and mirrors. Buying Big Ticket Items: Eyeing a big purchase? Do a reverse image lookup to ensure authenticity. Fish out the real deal from the online sea of possibilities. Single-Use Credit Cards Magic: Enter the game-changer – single-use credit cards. Use 'em and toss 'em. Bye-bye worries about your main card falling into the wrong hands. Keeping Your Info Under Lock and Key: Think twice about the info you share online. Use imaginative details for security ques