Have More Fun With Mandy Arioto

Advent Series: The significance of Bethlehem



Ever wondered why Bethlehem, the 'House of Bread', is so crucial to the Christmas story? Join us as we journey through the layers of Bethlehem's significance, starting from its literal Hebrew meaning to its deep-rooted biblical connections. We delve into the stories of Ruth and Boaz, King David, and the sacrificial lambs, all intertwined with Bethlehem's history and leading up to the birth of Jesus. Discover how Jesus, the Bread of Life and the ultimate Kinsman Redeemer, fulfills these rich historical and prophetic narratives in the most fitting place: Bethlehem. We also explore the poetic imagery of Jesus as the sacrificial Lamb and the Good Shepherd, born in the city known for its shepherds and sacrificial lambs. This episode is a reminder of how God intricately weaves simple, everyday elements into His grand narrative. Daily Bible Reading: Luke 2:1-7. Music provided by Free Music for Vlogs, Song: Would You Forgive by Jorm @iamjorm