Random Thoughts With Nicole L. Turner

Death Should Not Be Your Gateway to Peace



People often say, Rest in Peace, but we also deserve to LIVE in peace. Death should not be your gateway to peace. We only get one life. We owe it to ourselves to be happy, to have joy, to experience peace while we are living. Ask yourself the question, “Is there anything in my life disrupting my peace? If the answer is yes, ask yourself, “Why am I still dealing with this? If someone you loved was experiencing something that was disturbing their peace (job, relationship, friendship, etc.), would you want them to stay in that situation? Love yourself enough to say, I want better for me. I want peace for me. We’ve all seen how someone’s life flourished once they left that job that mistreated them or left that mate that mistreated them. Some say, God was holding back the blessings until they got out of that situation. We spend way too much time on the worst-case what-if scenarios. How about you shift that to think about the best case what-if scenarios. You owe it to yourself to have joy and peace now. Death shoul