The Losers' Club: A Stephen King Podcast

Unpacking Stephen King's Evolving Politics with Blowback's Brendan James



Look, we would've been perfectly happy enjoying 11/22/63 without getting into the weeds of the JFK conspiracy, but Stephen King himself took pains to detail how his research for the book convinced him that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone. "It is very, very difficult for a reasonable person to believe otherwise," he writes in the book's afterword. Since that's no fun, we sought out some smart people to provide a counterpoint and share their own thoughts about the book's depictions of Oswald, Kennedy, and the assassination. In this episode, The Losers' Club speaks with Blowback co-host (and recent King convert) Brendan James about 11/22/63's Oswald, conspiracy in the 21st century, and King's political evolution over the years -- from the paranoia of The Stand to the regret of Hearts in Atlantis to the ghastly spirit of Donald Trump pervading his latest novels (and Twitter account). Finally, Brendan leaves us with some conspiracy fiction recommendations. Stay tuned for "Pt. 2: The Janitor's Father" -- dropping thi