Living Springs Q&a

Q&A #312- Word vs word, Spirit roommate, Truth and Reconciliation, and maybe more!



In episode #312, Pastors Doug, Kyle, and Blake discuss the following:1. I have a question about the word "Word" and "word" in the Bible. It appears that when the capital W is used, it is talking about Jesus. But the lower case "word" I'm struggling with. I would assume that the New Testament writers are not talking about their own accounts/letters. Like I don't see Paul talking about the word and him meaning the letter he wrote to the Ephesians or Philippians or even him talking about the accounts written by Matthew or John. First of all, without a printing press, those letters and accounts would not have been massed produced. Second of all, I would think the New Testament writers would hold the Holy Scriptures in such high esteem that they would never put their writings on the same level as those. So when I read the word "word" in the New Testament, is that talking about the Old Testament? Just the Torah? Or is it just talking about the things God says directly to us? What is the "word" in the New Testament