SOS Podcast

311: From Repairs to Resourcefulness: Unleashing the Potential of Asset Management in Schools



How do we take a lot of this data that usually is hidden from students and teachers and kept in IT departments and make that part of the learning process of supporting us in our tech world? We ask big questions like that and more in today's conversation with Incident IQ's Emily Stapf. We debunk a lot of misguided ideas about asset management, so ask yourself: Are you falling for these common myths about asset management in schools?  Myth #1: Asset management is only relevant for large school districts. Myth #2: Asset management is only about tracking devices. Myth #3: Asset management is a burden on staff and adds unnecessary complexity. In this episode, we will debunk these myths and reveal the truth about the importance of asset management in schools, providing valuable insights and strategies that can revolutionize your school's technology management practices. Ready to learn more about our guest? Emily Stapf works for Incident IQ as a Customer Success Manager. Based in Knoxville, TN, she comes to