Easy Edtech Podcast With Monica Burns

Expert Insights From an Innovation Coach With Jessica Holloway - 242



In this episode, I spoke with Innovation Coach Jessica Holloway, all about her role supporting teachers with PBL, STEM education, and EdTech integration. You'll hear Jessica share valuable advice for educators interested in taking on a similar coaching role. She emphasizes the importance of embracing risk, stepping out of your comfort zone, and adopting the role of a lead learner. Show notes: https://classtechtips.com/2023/11/21/innovation-coach-242/  Sponsored by Ozobot: https://shop.ozobot.com/  Follow Jessica on social: https://instagram.com/hollowayreader/  Follow Monica on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/classtechtips/  Take your pick of free EdTech resources: https://classtechtips.com/free-stuff-favorites/