Career Revolution With Dr. Ck Bray | A Place To Fix, Change Or Create Your Best Career

FAN FAVORITE: EPISODE 355 Why We Need Thanksgiving This Year



2020 was a particularly difficult year and 2023 has had it's own struggles as well but we take a look back this week to all the many things we still have to be thankful for! ----- It has been a tough year, and if we ever needed Thanksgiving, it is this year! Dr. Bray takes a brain break and discusses the top 20 reasons we need a Thanksgiving celebration no matter where you live in the world. Taking a day to be grateful for the people in your life, and all you have is the prescription the doctor ordered to end the year on a positive note. Enjoy this entertaining take on Thanksgiving and learn how to make this Thanksgiving special, even if you can’t be with family. QUOTES BY DR. BRAY “There’s nothing more fun than being with family and eating, playing games, watching movies, relaxing and rejuvenating.” “Everyone can celebrate!”