The Letters Page

Editor's Note #73



The saltiest Editor's Note! Show Notes: Run Time: 1:47:18 Christopher is sitting! Adam did art! We eat candy! And talk about a schedule! Upcoming schedule:  Tuesday, December 5th: Episode #269: Writers' Room: Young Legacy and Expatriette team-up Tuesday, December 12th: Episode #270: Writers' Room: Alternate Freedom Five Line-Up (not Disparation) Tuesday, December 19th: Editor’s Note #74 Tuesday, December 26th: Episode #271: Writers’ Room: Captain Cosmic and/or Naturalist Story Where Neither Are Responsible For The Relevant Problem And Both Contribute Positively To Its Satisfying Resolution And Neither Are Tricked By Anyone In The Process There are questions, answers, goofs, and gaffes. Essentially, everything you've come to expect from The Letters Page! We're recording the next three episodes in the next weekish, so get your questions in ASAP, especially for the episodes annouced here!