Take A Shot! With Emem Joy Emah

#113: You need to Break Free From Society's Expectations



In this inspiring episode, the host courageously shares her personal journey of surrendering her dreams and timeline to God. With raw vulnerability, she recounts feeling inadequate and clinging to her one talent of singing as her purpose in life. However, when God called her to fully surrender her dreams, she experienced deep fear and reluctance. Ultimately, as she chose to release control and trust God's timing and plan, she discovered her true gifts and talents blossomed in unexpected ways. The host offers encouragement to anyone feeling the nudge of God to surrender their dreams and timeline. She urges listeners to trust that God's ways are higher and his plans are exceedingly better than we can imagine. Releasing fear and comparison frees us to live in peace and abundance. FREE Resource: ⁠ ⁠Faith.takingmyshot.com⁠⁠ PODCAST