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Ep 110: Strategy & Planning, Leah Burnett, Former Senior Director Strategy @Viacom



Leah Burnett, Former Senior Director for Strategy & Planning @Viacom, shares her thoughts on what's involved in working in a Strategy function at a large company. Prior to Viacom, Leah has worked in consulting at BCG and Finance at UBS and Citigroup. Leah has a BS in Electrical Engineering from Georgia Institute of Technology and MBA from The Wharton School. Some of the areas that Leah touches upon in this episode include: 1. Why Leah moved from finance to consulting to strategy 2. Examples of projects you might work in a Strategy team 3. Stages in a typical Strategy project 4. Sample team scructures 5. What to look for in a Strategy team 6. Interesting and Challenging aspects of the job 7. What Leah does not like as much about working in strategy 8. Skills needed to do well in Strategy 9. Typical background found in strategy teams 10. Recommended resources Thank you for listening!! Follow the show on Twitter @LED_Curator Website www.learneducatediscover.com/ Like us on FaceBook at www.facebook.com/learne