Rwpod - Ruby Web

04 випуск 11 сезону. Ruby 3.3.0-preview3, Grape 2, Vite 5.0, React Datasheet Grid та інше



Доброго дня шановні слухачі. Представляємо новий випуск подкасту RWpod. У цьому випуску: Ruby Ruby 3.3.0-preview3 Released YJIT Is the Most Memory-Efficient Ruby JIT Grape 2 released “Useless Ruby sugar”: Keyword argument and hash values omission Fuzzy Ruby Server - a Ruby language server for large codebases Railsg - Ruby on Rails Generator Command Builder Web Vite 5.0 is out! Moving back to React Designing Web Design Documentation @storybook-test: more streamlined and powerful testing React Datasheet Grid - an Airtable-like / Excel-like component to create beautiful spreadsheets Perfect-freehand - draw perfect pressure-sensitive freehand lines