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Why You'll Soon Get Paid LESS From Streaming With DIY Media Disc Makers CEO, Tony Van Veen[111323]



In it for the long haul? The experts at Disc Makers share practical, actionable ways to triumph as an independent artist in this free "29 Tips For a Long and Successful Music Career" guide: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Why am I not surprised that Spotify plans to pay even less to "lesser" artists soon? Talks between the streaming giant and the three major labels have been ongoing for some time, and rumors have been making the rounds for months. Now, it appears that Spotify will be lowering the rate paid to indie artists. Most likely, that means you! Disc Makers CEO, Tony van Veen was going to do a sponsor presentation on this very topic during the Road Rally Sequels last Monday, but getting him in front of a webcam in the time slot we had, proved to be tighter than our tech. set-up allowed for. So, we've moved his presentation to this week's episode of TAXI T