The Marie Forleo Podcast

381 - Why You’re Stuck In Business (Despite Working Hard)



In this behind-the-scenes MarieTV, you’ll meet my “work wife” — the woman who saved me from the brink of burnout. Together, we share insider secrets including our biggest business blunders, the #1 trait we look for when hiring, and how massively boost your profits *without* adding a single task to your plate.   WHAT’S COVERED IN THIS EPISODE:   The tell-tale sign I’d found “my person.” [4:22] How to be relentless in going after what you want [7:25] When to get help in your business — even if you think you can’t afford it [12:08] The massive insecurity that plagued me for years. You, too? [12:30] Don’t make these same hiring mistakes! [13:49] My ex-employee cost me $250k, overnight. Here’s what I did about it [16:13] The #1 trait CEOs look for when hiring. (This is the most important quality EVER!) [20:49] Watch out! This is exactly what brings out Jersey Marie [23:55] The ONE skill that separates winners from wannabes [28:05] The real secret to my success. (Most people overlook this!) [30:32] The biggest mist