Feminine Power Time With Christine Arylo

226 Finding Security in Synchronicity: Create the Environment to Keep Seeing & Feeling Your Magical Connection



"Synchroncity is an ever present reality for those who have eyes to see." - Carl Jung  I love synchroncity - it's like gold in the bank that never loses it's value, and always keeps be feeling secure and stable, no matter what. - Christine Arylo :)  When I can see the meaningful connections happening around me and for me, my faith reserves fill, anxiety and stress release. I feel held and guided. So when  get a case of the wobbles, or things seem to be going sideways, or I feel stuck, or I am headed to despair about the state of the world, I can find the threads to pull myself back to center and lift above the fray and connect to a higher frequency.   Consider this: In the chaos and uncertainity of our world, it can be really easy to end up with cloudy eyes that make it impossible to see (and believe) the magic. Our normal high-vibe, wise eyes which can see what is real can become glazed over or bewildered by all of the goop from the distorted mainstream world. Gooped up, our internal frequency drops into