Eco-business Podcast

Scrutiny, Scope 3 and Asian realities: Petronas sustainability chief on climate action at COP28



A strong oil and gas presence is expected at the COP28 climate summit this month, after host United Arab Emirates said everyone needs to be at the table to find better solutions to stop global warming. But many remain sceptical of whether the industry can be earnest contributors to the climate agenda. Fossil fuels are the primary cause of global warming, and some of the biggest energy majors have in recent years walked back their sustainability ambitions. Blockbuster Big Oil earnings last year amid high fuel prices have led to profiteering accusations, while environmentalists suspect that fossil fuel lobbyists blocked more ambitious targets at last year’s COP27 in Egypt. Joining the Eco-Business podcast to discuss the role that fossil fuel firms will play at COP28 is Charlotte Wolff-Bye, the chief sustainability officer of Petronas. Petronas is Malaysia’s state-owned energy company, and one of the country’s biggest financial contributors. It has operations around the world, and its daily production avera