Yaron Brook Show

World War 3 Yaron Brook Show



00:00 Intro01:11 Recent Talks04:14 World War 313:26 Putin15:14 China19:40 Iran21:17 No base for World War 323:40 Accident25:05 What could lead to World War 3?28:53 Not in next 15 years32:32 Internal Threats34:32 Real Challenge37:49 What We NeedLive Questions:41:15 This makes 60 out of a hundred for a song review. I did the last 20 on what I thought was a live show but it was an applause. I sent you an email with a screenshot when it happened.41:31 Do altruists have to value justice in order to support injustice - to make a worthy sacrifice?42:59 I can see how nationalism and existential crises can bring people together to take life and values more seriously. Look at Israel. Those people love intensely.44:55 What do you think of Mauritius? Does it have potential to be another Singapore? Are there any islands or places that are going to be great to have residency or a place to live in during World War 3? How does South East Asia come into play in WW3?48:41 Great shows! Given that the only way to finally defeat