Yaron Brook Show

Greg Salmieri & Yaron Discuss Desocializing Medicine & The State of the World Yaron Interviews



See: https://salemcenter.org/event/desocializing-american-medicine/Contact: reinierschuur@gmail.com00:00 Intro03:00 Desocializing American Medicine08:59 People on the panels13:05 Saturday program is open to public https://salemcenter.org/event/desocializing-american-medicine/13:32 Why is medicine different?Live Questions:15:43 As an orthopedic surgeon, I can tell u it is nearly impossible to make a living without relinquished all control to largely socialized hospital systems. Most of my patients have no idea how bad it is18:01 I work with health care data. Any thoughts on HIPAA regulations and how such rules limit progress and innovation? I think clearer laws on property rights related to data would improve things.21:41 There will be Q&A22:22 Medical Freedom Movement26:10 The State of the World34:50 What did you think abt Ayan Hirsi Ali essay?37:30 Is this a cultural phenomena?41:25 Civilizational Crisis Argument44:12 Book Dominion46:11 Do the Greeks have concept of Individualism?49:50 Where does Individ