We Don't Die® Radio Show With Host Sandra Champlain

051 Dianne Sherman



"I needed to die to get a life," says my guest Dianne Sherman. In 1981 she had a near death experience that completely altered her life. Her story is fascinating and she now acts as a 'life guide' to help people live their best lives.  Hear about the unconditional love and feeling of being cherished after dying and how we can create that in our own lives. "Alter your perception will alter your reality," is brilliant as well as learning how to tap into your past and make life long changes. Dianne has some great tips on not being afraid and how to be happy. I really enjoyed this interview with Dianne!  -Sandra Here's more about Dianne Sherman in her own words...  "My name is Dianne Sherman and I am a "Life Guide"  here to help you find your way in this amazing process we call life.  As a Near Death Experiencer in 1981 I learned  that we are loved unconditionally and that the Universe/God/Source is only wanting our joy and happiness. I was sent back to help people heal their lives and to teach that life is not