Curious Fox Podcast

How to Support Queer, Trans, and Non-binary Young People with Cory Silverberg



How can parents and caregivers create a safe and open environment where young individuals navigating their own identities feel comfortable exploring and expressing their evolving identities? What are the most common misconceptions or misunderstandings that parents and caregivers have about supporting queer, trans, and non-binary young people? How can they overcome these barriers to offer genuine support? What actionable steps can educators and community leaders take to ensure that queer, trans, and non-binary youth feel seen, heard, and validated in these spaces?In this episode, Effy and Jacqueline invite sex educator and author Cory Silberbeg back on the show to discuss how to support young people in their quest to understand their identity, sexual orientation, and gender in today's political climate. They discuss the role of “trusted adults”, how to facilitate conversations and field questions in the home, and how to ensure a support network in and out of the home environment. More about Cory Silverber