Audio Divina

The Gift of the Now and the Promise of the Not Yet - Thirty-Second Sunday of Ordinary Time, Year A



The Gift of the Now and the Promise of the Not Yet: As Jesus' life-story comes to an end, he focusses his attention upon the end of all history, and God's final judgment. With the parable of the wise and foolish virgins, he instructs on the importance of both our current Christian experience, and the end-time that lies in the future. The parable presents the virgins who will welcome the bridegroom and his bride with lighted lamps. Some are not prepared for a possible delay and are subsequently not recognised by the bridegroom. Jesus warns that we must wait for whatever day and hour God plans for the end of history. In the meantime, we must live full Christian lives in our dedication to "today," aware that we are waiting for a "tomorrow" that only God can determine. Presented by world-renowned biblical scholar Rev. Professor Francis J. Moloney SDB AM, Audio Divina, is a Lectio-Divina styled reflection on the gospel for the 32nd Sunday of Ordinary Time, Year A. Gospel Reading: Matthew 25:1-13, read by Matthew a