Career Revolution With Dr. Ck Bray | A Place To Fix, Change Or Create Your Best Career

Episode 502 Insights: Figuring Out How Others See You and How You See Yourself - Part 2



In the latest podcast episode of the Dr. CK Bray show, we dive deep into the fascinating world of self-awareness with insights from Tasha Eurich's groundbreaking book, "Insights." Dr. Bray shares insights, tools, and information to challenge our assumptions about the journey to genuine self-understanding. Dr. Bray discusses the surprising truths about what true self-awareness is, why we often misunderstand it, and how it can transform our lives both personally and professionally. Central to self-awareness are the "seven pillars of insight." These pillars serve as guiding principles, underpinning the journey to genuine self-understanding. True self-awareness isn't just about introspective naval-gazing; it's about anchoring oneself in a more profound, more genuine, and more actionable understanding of oneself. The first pillar, for instance, emphasizes the importance of reflection, but not in the way many of us understand it. Rather than continuously asking, "What do I want to achieve," Eurich recommends asking