Garlic Marketing Show

Website Design Mistakes Killing Conversions with FigPii Khalid Saleh



Dive into the digital deep end with our latest podcast episode featuring Khalid Saleh, CEO of Invesp & Co-founder of FigPii. Learn from the transformative tales of e-commerce giants and unlock the secrets behind effective website optimization. From Motorola's $50M e-commerce story that resulted in only 10 orders to the sophisticated A/B testing strategies employed by eBay, we explore methods that unveil the true interactions users have with your software.Is your 'About Us' page-turning visitors into customers? Are you effectively projecting the image of a larger enterprise? We dissect the critical website elements that businesses often overlook but desperately need.Plus! Discover the single most important factor that propelled FigPii's success and the essential element your website's above-the-fold area should have.Don't let your site be just another URL lost in the vastness of the internet. Tune in now to make sure your website not only stands out but also delivers on its promises. What You’ll Learn