Latina To Latina

UN General Assembly President María Espinosa Garcés Is Making Room for Women



Fun fact: This was the first time we had to check protocol before interviewing someone. And Alicia had to call the current head of the United Nations’ General Assembly Madame President. It was amazing! And María Fernanda Espinosa Garcés deserves that accolade and so much more for her decades-long career in international affairs and diplomacy. Only the fourth woman to preside over the assembly, she is steadfast in her belief that women should lead at every level--and she’s working from within to make it so at the UN.Follow María on Twitter @mfespinosaEC; and follow the UN on IG @UN and @UNWomen. If you loved this episode, listen to Senator Catherine Cortez Masto and Mayor Carmen Yulín Cruz for more on politics and leadership. Show your love and become a Latina to Latina Patreon supporter!