Highlights The Malliard Report

Spooky Conversations: Halloween Special Uncovers Paranormal Mysteries and Explores the Universe's Secrets



Gather around the bonfire of curiosity as we delve into the realm of the paranormal and explore the vast expanse of the universe with a panel of esteemed guests. This Halloween special podcast episode promises to send shivers down your spine and ignite your imagination. Paranormal News and the Digital Age of Hoaxes: Our conversation begins with a captivating discussion on the viral Bigfoot sighting by the train, examining the skepticism and prevalence of hoaxes in the digital age. We delve into famous hoaxes like the Jerusalem UFO videos and the Loch Ness monster catfish, exploring how they've captivated the public's attention. Celebrity Influence and the Need for Mainstream Engagement: We shift our focus to the impact of celebrities on the UFO and paranormal fields, discussing how figures like Tom DeLong and Jack Osborne have brought attention to these intriguing subjects. We emphasize the need for more mainstream celebrities to join the conversation, further legitimizing these areas of exploration. Universe