A Duck In A Tree

A Duck in a Tree 2023-11-04 | Little Symmetry



The 591st of a series of weekly radio programmes created by :zoviet*france: First broadcast 4 November 2023 by Resonance 104.4 FM and CJMP 90.1 FM Thanks to the artists included here for their fine work. track list 00 Zach Zinn - Intro 01 Tenores di Bitti - Un ojada a sa pache (cantu a isterritas) 02 Μελωφοβία - δ' 03 Rune Martinsen - Loud Silence [MutanT.R.I remix of 'Pulses from 1960'] 04 Gordon Monahan - Layered Lines Fading Away 05 Stephen P. McGreevy - 9bAB2K 06 Simon Šerc - Whispering Storm 07 James Wyness - Mill 08 Emerald Suspension - Resonance (Study 14) 09 Ed Lawes - Middle 10 Emiliano Romanelli - 333 Loops (Volume 1) [extract – Part II]  ++ Zach Zinn - Outro