Community Solutions Podcast

Episode 297- Crazies Coming Out Of The Woodwork


Synopsis The war in Israel is front and center on the world stage, and there are a number of things that are starting to surface, that we didn't think that we would ever see again. When Hamas blindsided Israeli families and concertgoers on not only their Sabbath, but also on a huge religious holiday, it proved its cowardice and barbarism. At least everyone is condemning it. Well... not everyone. We are seeing universities engaging in professor-led protests, where hordes of rabid demonstrators shout slogans that are code language for killing the Jews. This is totally unacceptable on every level. The Democratic Socialists of America have been squarely on the side of Hamas. We've seen the pure hate coming from people like Ilhan Omar and Rashide Tlaib, but the DSA in Minnesota has been hard at work spreading discrimination. This was on full display at the protest they were involved in at Bryant Square in Minneapolis. DSA has Minnesota chapters in the Twin Cities, Duluth, Red River Valley, and t