4zzz Live Delay

Live Delay - Ep 21 - Best Of The First 20



Exciting times are afoot in the Live Delay office. Well, it's not really an office, more like a self-made hovel underneath a bridge outside Brisbane, but I can get free wifi. Anywhoo - yes, exciting times. Episode 21 is upon us and we're about to get busy with some podcasting action! The details will be made public very soon (so, wathc this space). To celebrate the above fact, we thought we'd bring you some of the best live delay tracks from across the first twenty episodes. All of these have been recorded, mixed and produced by community radio volunteers and I'm might impressed by the results. In the bracket of songs you will hear tonight, you'll get live tuned from HARMONY, HOLY BALM, KEEP ON DANCINS, BITCH PREFECT and many more. The show goes out via Zed Digital tonight at 8pm, as well sa the Community Radio Network. It will be also available in podcast format early next week. Get busy with Live Delay. Airing details: First aired via Zed Digital, 8-9pm, Friday 7 June 2013. Production and engineering: