Parenting Great Kids With Dr. Meg Meeker

#14: Helping Your Kids Dream Big (with guest David A.R. White)



Dr. Meg talks with filmmaker David A.R. White (producer of the blockbuster movie God’s Not Dead) about his new book Between Heaven And Hollywood. Other features include Dr. Meg’s Points To Ponder and she answers an email question about a little boy who won’t listen to his parents.   0:27 – WELCOME Young children, middle school kids, teens and even adults dream about who they will become, what they can achieve or what difference they can make in the world. Good parents want to know their children well enough to hear about those dreams and help children either follow them or shift their passions toward more realistic goals. In many ways, helping our children pursue their dreams, helps parents who never reached their own. It is important to be able to handle our child’s intentions in an instructive, supportive and realistic way. But doing this isn’t easy. We live with healthy skepticism and sometimes feel threatened by the nature of our children’s dreams. We will hear a story about one man’s dreams and how pu