Parenting Great Kids With Dr. Meg Meeker

#89: Helping Fathers Find Balance (with guest Benjamin Watson)



Balancing a really busy work schedule with the right amount of family time can be a struggle, and fathers tend to struggle with this the most. Often, fathers feel that they have to be the primary provider in a family and put too much energy and time into their jobs and don’t leave enough “in the tank” to build meaningful and lasting relationships with their children. No one knows this more than New England Patriots tight end, Benjamin Watson. Dr. Meg and Benjamin sit down to talk about his demanding career and how he ensures that his family doesn’t just get the leftovers when he’s not playing football. Finding balance between work and home is a must to be a parent to a great kid! Also, if you have a question you want Dr. Meeker to answer, email them to askmeg@megmeekermd.comand listen to future episodes to see if your question is featured!   0:00 – AD – BETTER HELP TeenCounseling.comconnects your 13 to 19-year-old with a licensed professional counselor right where they spend most of their time, on their sm