Parenting Great Kids With Dr. Meg Meeker

#127: Mentor To Millions (with guest Mark Timm)



Having confidence that you can achieve your goals is an important characteristic that will take you to the places you want your life to go. But, where does this confidence start? How do you become and adult has built a foundation on character, integrity, and courage? How can you build these things in your kids? These questions and more are the kinds of things that Dr. Meg learns from her conversation with Mark Timm and his book, Mentor To Millions. Mark is a serial entrepreneur, a business leader, a professional speaker, and an author. He has learned from his many business endeavors that the same things that make a business successful can translate into success in the home. Also, when you know how to be a goal-setting, big-thinking parent, your kids learn that, too! There’s no better way to show your kids how to have character, integrity, and courage than to have those characteristics yourself! You can do it, and Dr. Meg and Mark Timm are here to help! Do you have a question for Dr. Meeker? If so, email them