Parenting Great Kids With Dr. Meg Meeker

#133: Quieting Our Kids' World



As a parent, does your day look something like getting up later than you should, rushing around to get ready, going from activity to activity, throw in some homework, mix a little staying up late to watch the latest TV show, and then get up the next morning to do it all over again? This can lead to burnout for you and your kids, and it happens quicker than you can imagine! Do you wish there was something that could bring some order to your mind in the midst of all the crazy? That’s where mindfulness based stress reduction (MBST) can really bring about some change in your daily routine. Just a few minutes a day of calm, directed thought, and you’ll start to see a difference. Because all of us can use mindfulness, Dr. Meg talks with wellness consultant and mindfulness based stress reduction teacher, Wendy Weckstein. Wendy is a Physical Therapist, Wellness Consultant, and a Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Teacher for Adults through Brown University as well as certified in Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction fo