Parenting Great Kids With Dr. Meg Meeker

#137: Father's Day Special



Today’s media loves to try and make men out to be generally irrelevant and idiotic. What they overlook is the importance of a father figure, whether biological or just a friend. That’s why Father’s Day is so special to Dr. Meg, and on this day she wants you fathers to feel how important you actually are to the people in your lives. Television shows, social media memes, and perceptions in general work to break fathers down and make them feel insignificant, but Dr. Meg wants to give you advice and encouragement instead. Fathers, listen in as Dr. Meeker speaks words of life into you as you navigate the world of raising great kids! Do you have a question for Dr. Meg? If you have a question you want Dr. Meeker to answer, email them to and listen to future episodes to see if your question is featured! WELCOME Dr. Meg introduces today’s special episodes honoring dads! MEG’S FATHER’S DAY SPECIAL (PART 1) Dr. Meg speaks life and truth to the dads in this special episode dedicated to