Parenting Great Kids With Dr. Meg Meeker

#142: Show Me the Father (with guests Alex and Stephen Kendrick)



DESCRIPTION The role of a father is vitally important. There is a place inside of every child that desperately wants and needs their father’s affirmation, acceptance and love. Yet many families have suffered generations of dysfunctional behavior, leaving those core needs (from father to child) unmet. Fathers in general don’t believe they are doing a good job with their kids -- they struggle to love their kids because they weren’t shown love by their own father. They don’t know how to bless their children because they never received a father’s blessing themselves. Research shows that disappointment in children due to a father’s absence, disinterest, mistreatment or abuse will often lead to a rejection of God, our heavenly Father. Alex and Stephen Kendrick share with Dr. Meeker how we typically get our first concept of what God is like from our earthly father. If a dad is loving and present in a child’s life, it’s easy for them to see God that way. If he is distant, absent or abusive, children will often view