Parenting Great Kids With Dr. Meg Meeker

Episode 145: Temper Tantrums



Just about everyone has witnessed a child having a temper tantrum. For parents, their child’s temper tantrums can be overwhelming, often resulting in frustration or anger, and even embarrassment, especially if a tantrum occurs in public. Temper tantrums are such a common issue with kids, and a problem for parents that Dr. Meg wanted to tackle the issue head-on. Join Dr. Meg as she dives into the topic of her brand-new course, “How to Stop Temper Tantrums in Your Child.” Addressing questions such as, Do kids have temper tantrums on purpose? What is actually happening in the minds and emotions of children leading up to and during a temper tantrum? How do I handle my strong-willed child? and more, Dr. Meg shares expert insight into this very common occurrence in children, offering helpful tips parents can use to teach their kids to identify their feelings and better express their emotions. WELCOME Dr. Meg welcomes listeners by reminding them that the Parenting Great Kids podcast is just for them, a helpful