Parenting Great Kids With Dr. Meg Meeker

Episode 148: Kids and Healthy Eating (with guest Julie Revelant)



Is your child a picky eater? Does he or she suffer from childhood obesity or perhaps a chronic disease resulting from unhealthy eating? If so, you are not alone! Health Journalist and “Food Issues” podcast host Julie Revelant joins Dr. Meeker in discussing these important issues. Be armed with proven tips that can help you train your child to become a healthier eater. As you make wiser food choices yourself, and model better eating habits, your children will be encouraged to do the same, resulting in positive improvements in overall health. WELCOME Dr. Meeker welcomes guest Julie Revelant to the Parenting Great Kids podcast. MEG (PART 1) Dr. Meg and Julie Revelant discuss some of the biggest eating issues that parents encounter with their kids. BREAK MEG (PART 2) Dr. Meg and Julie Revelant continue their conversation about kids and healthy eating. FROM THE PRODUCER Thanks for listening to Episode 148, Kids and Healthy Eating, and for helping Dr. Meg’s parenting revolution reach mor