Parenting Great Kids With Dr. Meg Meeker

PGK-Episode 158: Midnight Dad Devotional (with guests Becky Thompson and Dr. Mark Pitts)



This episode features the Dad-Daughter duo, Becky Thompson and Dr. Mark Pitts, co-authors of Midnight Dad Devotional: 100 Devotions and Prayers to Connect Dads Just Like You to the Father. Men will be encouraged to learn how God is with them through their parenting journey, in all seasons of life, and will be strengthened in their resolve to become the best father they can be. Dr. Meg & Guests Becky Thompson & Dr. Mark Pitts (Part 1) Dr. Mark Pitts explains how fathering seems to have moved from being rooted in relationship and connection with their kids to becoming more of a utilitarian role – provider and protector, sans any real relationship. A father’s role is often scaled down to tasks – disciplinarian, driver, coach, homework checker, money lender. Yet Dr. Pitts is finding that more and more men desire a return to being in true relationship with their children and they want to know how they can develop a deeper connection and long-lasting bond with their kids. Dr. Meg & Guests Becky Thompson &