Parenting Great Kids With Dr. Meg Meeker

Episode #162 - “Raising Resilient Adolescents in the New Age of Anxiety” Guest: Erica Komisar



Dr. Meg & Guest Erica Komisar (Part 1)   Adolescence is typically a traumatic time, with hormonal shifts, puberty, shifting social scenes, identity formation - all contributing factors that can make kids vulnerable to anxiety and depression. And in today’s society, everything has been amp’d up, creating more stress in kids’ lives than ever before. Bombarded with increased academic pressure, social pressures, and expectations to be more adult-like earlier and earlier in their lives, adolescents are often dealing with anxieties that are above and beyond what they can emotionally handle. There is good news though! Parents can offer their children hope through being their emotional home-base. Guest Erica Komisar explains how adolescence actually stretches from age 9 – 25, giving parents another chance after early childhood to build the emotional foundation needed to become the secure home-base for their adolescent child.   Dr. Meg & Guest Erica Komisar (Part 2)   Guest Erica Komisar and Dr. Meg continue their can